French legislation against jihad: lists of suspected passengers and the pre-trial blocking of websites

People who have received military and terrorist training as well as experience of war extremely disturb the authorities and the security forces, as they are unable to track and keep under review hundreds of people coming back to Europe. As a result there was made a decision to amend the anti-terrorism legislation, which now bans potential jihadists to leave France. The decision to ban is going to be administrative: it is going to be taken by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Suspected passengers will be those who will be suspected by the police and special services in the intention to join any terrorist groups abroad. According to French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve, restriction on leaving France will last for 6 months and in terms of government can be extended for as long as it is “necessary”. Ex post facto prohibition can be challenged in court – reports Agence France-Presse.

The passport of a suspected passenger will be immediately withdrawn, that will not prevent him to move around the Schengen area, where it is sufficient to have an identity card.

Bernard Cazeneuve said that subsequently French measures will be supplemented by Passenger name record (PNR): airlines will be banned from carrying suspected passengers and will have to notify French authorities right at the point of reservation. If a suspected passenger is able to leave the EU, he will face an international arrest warrant.

The introduced bill will also clamp down on online recruitment, including asking Internet providers to block access to sites that provoke or praise acts of terrorism. Similar mechanism already exists in the French legislation to fight online child pornography.

Source: RFI

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