The whole truth about Internet addiction

According to specialists from China, internet addiction has a narcotic nature. They conducted a number of studies to examine brain activity of 35 people aged 14 – 22. The examinees filled in the questionnaire and according to the results, half of the patients confessed that they have online addiction.

Participants passed the magnetic resonance imaging, which showed that the Internet promotes activation of the same processes in the brain as when people are addicted to alcohol or drugs.

It has been found out, that when people cannot live without the Internet, their pathways between areas of the brain which are directly responsible for the formation of emotions, decision-making, as well as concentration become compromised. Alcoholics, drug addicts and the Internet addicts suffer from the similar processes which slow down the brain functions.

The fact that the addiction to the Internet, as well as to various gadgets is a form of addiction has been discussed by many psychologists. In various European countries and the United States there are special camps for Internet addicts where they can get the treatment.

In turn, a group of British experts was able to determine that another cause of this kind of addiction appears when people use Tablet PC for a long time. Very often, children, for example, prefer to play on the tablet instead of walking or reading.



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